My goal was to reach 100k in a month, or 2/3s of the draft I have planned for this MS.
Here's a screenshot of my month's progress:

As you can see, I still technically have 3 days in which to sprint ahead and reach the full 100k. However, I've encountered some questions in regards to my outline and need to spend some time answering them before I can push onward. These questions are monumental enough that writing through without answering them might require me to trash an entire section of the book which would be a waste of everyone's time.
So I'm stopping now, at 88643 words. I'm crazy proud of myself. This was a huge project to attempt in a short period of time and let me tell you a few things I've learned this month:
- Outlines. I'm totally converted to a full and detailed outline. They rock, and make the creative process so much smoother.
- I can take a couple of days off to think and regroup, even in the middle of a huge push. Instead of halting my progress, the time is super effective to help me recharge and get through massive amounts of good work. In the 28 days I participated this month, I took 11 off. Chew on that for a moment, would you? In other words, pondering is good stuff. So is taking care of your physical and mental health.
- Physical and mental health can throw curve balls but will power conquers all.
- My husband is the greatest.
- So are my parents.
I'm VERY proud of the writing I've done this month, and while much of it is...well, first drafts aren't clean. But still, I have high hopes for this project. It's really coming along well.
Now I'm off to work out those outlining questions I have...